Sunday, October 9, 2011


Yet another photo project I am working on...  I am so fascinated with what people have left behind: How empty space builds tension and wonder about what existed before and why they aren't there anymore.  Like the abandoned homes I shared with you in my last post, here is a selection of photos depicting walls where pictures etc. used to hang.  I wonder what might have been on the wall, the descriptions on the back of the picture, or signs of their accomplishments.  I photograph these things because I believe it is a testament that, no matter what we do, we leave behind a footprint of our existence.

"Jo Ann, Myself, and Sue Ann opening Christmas presents."


"Our 4 boys on Easter '98.  Ryan 14, Adam 13, Mark 10, Eric 18 mos.  What a size difference!"

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mansion Top Removal

   For years I have been fascinated with abandoned homes.  So much so, in fact, I have spent those years photographing some around my farm.  Today, most of these amazing homes no longer exist, either they've been torn down, slowly used for scrap, or even burned.  Now that I am involved in home restoration, I have access to vacant/abandoned homes I would otherwise never get the chance to photograph.  I thought I would share with you the images I have captured over the years, some old some just taken today.  This is an ongoing project, hopefully one day I'll actually take the time to print, frame, and exhibit them!