Friday, February 3, 2012

No one lives here anymore...

I've started carrying my camera with me to work and, if I'm lucky, I get to use it when I am scouting for homes to purchase.  These empty spaces frighten and fascinate me, as if the people just disappeared, or are simply hiding.  Today, every home I went into had tons of character and I was enamored with the stripped beds and beautiful lighting.  I hope to print these soon... maybe you'll see them hanging at Neon's on 12th St. downtown!

This is exactly how I found them.


  1. I love them, they give off a depth and emotion that most do not. You've done wonderful here, I don't typically like most still life photography, but I definitely can't say that here.

    1. Thank you! I have always found that interior spaces are like portraits of their inhabitants. I never tire of exploring places where others have lived.
